Fight Your Ego, Get Results

Get results, leave your ego behind.

The fact that you are not good at something does not make you a worthless man. While the fact that you do not accept that you are not good could rob you of the value you could have. You wouldn’t want a Tony Robbins to operate on your brain, but you would definitely want him on your team to motivate you. That doesn’t make him a worthless man, just a weak doctor.

When it comes to challenges we have several options:

  1. Let’s deny the problem
  2. To accept the problem and overcome the limits
  3. Let’s get around the limits
  4. Let’s change the goal

That is why it is said that the first thing in life is acceptance, when you deny, or do not realize you continue to keep things the same.

When you accept it means that you see the weaknesses and you can change something, it does not mean that you necessarily succeed or that you do it, it depends on you, but you have this option, you know what you have to do.

What you can’t do you can contract, delegate or avoid, and do something else instead, another solution.

And if you see that what you have to do as effort versus the value of what you get is not worth it, you can change.

It is an interpretation of the prayer of serenity:

Lord, give me serenity, To accept the things I cannot change; The courage to change the things I can; and the wisdom of knowing the difference.

R. Niebuhr